Week 20 of #52weeksofgiving - Cross Roads House - Portsmouth, NH

LeMay Family Goodworks is highlighting Cross Roads House for week 20 of our #52weeksofgiving project! Located in Portsmouth, NH, Cross Roads House provides emergency and transitional shelter to homeless families and individuals in the New Hampshire and Maine Seacoast area. 

Michelle recently attended the Cross Roads House 20th Annual Benefit by the Sea. She felt it was important to include Chase Home and their ambassadors, Bill, Reed, and Graham, as her special guests to encourage collaboration between the two charitable entities as their missions overlap.

The Chase Home provides at-risk youth and families with services and programs designed to address root causes of issues that threaten the family dynamic.

Cross Roads House relies on donations from generous private donors for two-thirds of their operating budget. During the event's fund-a-need auction, LeMay Family Goodworks  pledged to cover the cost of meals for a year for Cross Roads House residents. Last year alone, the shelter served more than 27,500 dinner meals!

The gala plays a significant role in securing much of the funding necessary for the organization to continue providing shelter and life-changing services for men, women, and children facing homelessness. LeMay Family Goodworks was happy to sponsor this fantastic event.

Learn more about Cross Roads House and their crucial work in the New Hampshire and Maine Seacoast community.

About Cross Roads House

Cross Roads House was established in 1982 by a group of locals who wanted to help their neighbors in need. The nonprofit provides emergency and transitional shelter to homeless men, women, and children throughout New Hampshire’s Rockingham and Strafford Counties and Maine’s southern York County. The homeless shelter currently houses approximately 100 people a night, with emergency shelter available 24/7.

However, Cross Roads House offers people more than a meal and a bed. Residents receive: 

  • Emergency and transitional shelter

  • Three meals a day

  • Dinner meals prepared by volunteers seven nights a week

  • Needs assessments and case management services

  • Access to a variety of services onsite (e.g., primary medical and dental care, mental health counseling, AA and NA meetings)

  • Referrals to services throughout the community (e.g., public housing, rehab, counseling, parenting support, Community Action Programs, and more)

  • Support and direction for returning to permanent housing

  • Post-shelter case management to help maintain housing

  • “Rent Ready” and “Ready to Work” seminar classes

Cross Roads House even partners with local organizations and businesses to provide services like tax preparation, yoga and relaxation classes, and haircuts!

The dedicated people of Cross Roads House aim to end homelessness through comprehensive solutions, ensuring residents have the tools and guidance necessary to return to decent permanent housing. This means helping residents set and achieve goals and maintaining an ongoing relationship with them. In fact, most people who have participated in their transitional program leave Cross Roads House for permanent housing!

If you are homeless and need immediate shelter: 

  1. First, call 2-1-1 from any NH phone (or 866-444-4211 from any phone) for assistance with shelter referrals and local resources. 

  2. Contact your local welfare office (see directory here).

  3. You can also call Cross Roads House directly at 603-436-2218 for more information. 

Both 2-1-1 and Cross Roads House are available 24/7 to assist you. 


How to Help Cross Roads House

Cross Roads House relies heavily on donations and provides several easy ways for people to help out, including: 

  • Financial contributions: Give cash donations, annual pledges, recurring gifts, or gifts of stocks and bonds to support shelter operations. 

  • Gifts for residents: Easily donate food and personal hygiene products for residents from Cross Roads House’s wish list.

  • Legacy gifts: Join the Legacy Society to contribute through your will, trust, or other means.

  • Fundraising event: Hold your own fundraiser and choose Cross Roads House as the beneficiary.

Learn more about Cross Roads House donation options here.

If you would like to donate your time to make a difference in the New Hampshire and Maine Seacoast community, you can volunteer solo or with your organization! Volunteer opportunities include: 

  • Cooking and serving meals

  • Childcare

  • Donation pickups

  • Moving assistance

  • Professional skills (i.e., sharing your expertise to help residents)

  • Group service days

Learn more about volunteering at Cross Roads House.

To keep up with Cross Roads House, their efforts, and ways to get involved, follow them @cross_roads_nh or on Facebook

Do you have an organization we should know about? Contact us today to explain why they’re special to you and how we can support them!


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