Beau’s Birthday with Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation
This Sunday, we celebrated Beau’s 10th birthday with a black light video game party attended by his friends and family and of course, everyone had a blast! True to his selfless and caring nature, in lieu of gifts, Beau asked everyone to make donations to the Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation.
Beau just finished counting the donations and collectively, his family and friends along with the LeMay Family Goodworks team raised $5,000 for this amazing cause! Thank you to everyone who attended and gave.
As the LeMay family’s resident planet protector, Beau is passionate about caring for the planet. One significant area of interest is marine conservation—he wants to protect all the animals in the sea and advocates for less plastic use! Last summer, for example, Beau, his big brother Tad, and his friends Isabelle and Jameson conducted a beach cleanup in Nantucket inspired by 4ocean.
Beau chose to support Blue Ocean Society because they are dedicated to researching and protecting marine life in the Gulf of Maine. Check out their incredible initiatives and how you can get involved!
About the Blue Ocean Society
Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation was founded in 2001 by whale watch naturalists Jen Kennedy and Dianna Schulte. The pair was frustrated with the lack of translation of open ocean research into information that could be used by the public. So, they took things into their own hands!
The Blue Ocean Society aims “to protect marine life in the Gulf of Maine through research, education, and inspiring action.” While the organization studies this entire stretch of ocean, running from Cape Cod to Cape Sable Island at the southern tip of Nova Scotia, they focus specifically on Jeffreys Ledge.
Located just 20 miles off the New Hampshire/Massachusetts coast, Jeffreys Ledge is a crucial habitat for numerous sea creatures, including several types of whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Blue Ocean Society hopes to shed light on this delicate ecosystem and how to protect it through various outreach programs.
The Portsmouth-based nonprofit achieves their mission through three primary initiatives:
Whale Research: Their research covers the behavior and populations of Gulf of Maine fins, humpbacks, and minke whales. Blue Ocean Society has been the only organization to consistently collect data on the Jeffreys Ledge marine mammals since 1996!
Education: People of all ages can learn about marine life and human impact through hands-on experiences, including whale watches, school programs, and the Blue Ocean Discovery Center located right in Hampton Beach.
Inspired Action: Blue Ocean Society also leads various events and programs throughout the year, including beach cleanups, pollution prevention campaigns, and guidance on simple steps anyone can take to benefit the Gulf of Maine marine life.
When it comes to their impact, Blue Ocean Society has made more than a dent! The organization monitors the health, habitat usage, and risks including entanglements and ship strikes during their whale watch trips in Rye, NH. Additionally, their long-term database of whales near Jeffreys Ledge is the only one of its kind!
Learn more about Blue Ocean Society’s programs.
How to Help NH & ME Marine Life
Have Beau and Blue Ocean Society inspired you to support your local marine life? From easy changes in your daily routines to giving back through your time or resources, there is no shortage of options! Consider joining Beau by:
Donating: You can make an easy online donation or even adopt a marine creature! Your funds help Blue Ocean Society to continue their research, education, and marinie life protection efforts in the Gulf of Maine and beyond. Or, select them as your beneficiary on Amazon Smile.
Join a Beach Cleanup: It’s no secret that ocean waste, especially plastic pollution, is a major issue. Help make a difference by joining Blue Ocean Society for one of their public beach cleanups. Or, gather your friends, family, teammates, colleagues, etc. and organize your own cleanup! They provide complete guidance and most of the necessary supplies.
Volunteer: Put your time and talents to good use by volunteering with Blue Ocean Society. They have various volunteer opportunities year-round, so you can find what best suits your passion and schedule. Some roles require specific experience, but most require little training.
To discover more ways to get involved with local marine conservation by supporting Blue Ocean Society, check out the many ways you can help!
And remember to follow them on Instagram @blueoceansociety or Facebook to keep up with their latest research efforts, events, and volunteer opportunities!