Week 48 of #52weeksofgiving - GivingTuesday & Our Random Acts of Kindness Project

Not only is it week 48 of our #52WeeksofGiving project—it’s also the official worldwide GivingTuesday! This annual celebration of kindness and generosity is the inspiration behind our weekly random acts of kindness, so we thought we’d share a bit more about this concept and why we do what we do.

The end of 2022 will also mark the second full year of our #52WeeksofGiving campaign. It has been another wonderful year making new connections and continuing our relationships with many wonderful organizations and individuals. The LeMay Family Goodworks team has enjoyed volunteering as a team, sponsoring/attending incredible events, and donating to support those in our community. We even had the privilege of partnering with a few nonprofits on our travels to Hawaii, Florida, and Nantucket!

Additionally, we have gained clarity, defined our mission, and determined where we can make the biggest impact with our time, talents, and resources. This led us to focus on supporting and fighting for veterans and families at risk of hunger and homelessness. Our charity work now falls within one of four categories: Wellness, Veterans, Families, and Community.

In the spirit of GivingTuesday, we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that giving back can come in many forms—not only monetary donations. Keep reading for more about this global movement and inspiration.

The Global GivingTuesday Movement

LeMay Family Goodworks founder Michelle LeMay was inspired by the official GivingTuesday, which occurs annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This global movement began in 2012 to celebrate all acts of giving and the idea of radical generosity, “The concept that the suffering of others should be as intolerable to us as our own suffering.”

GivingTuesday encourages people to do good however they can, from giving their time to donating funds and goods to using their voices to help others. It was founded on the belief that every act of kindness counts and everyone has something to give.

Why We Started 52 Weeks of Giving

Founder Michelle LeMay loved the GivingTuesday concept and decided to commit to weekly random acts of kindness. Thus began our #52WeeksofGiving project! We aim to spread the message that: 

  • Giving back can be simple and doesn’t require deep pockets

  • Sharing within your community, however you can, makes a difference

  • Performing acts of kindness is always an enlightening, rewarding experience

  • Kindness shouldn’t be a seasonal, once-a-year trend

Now, we make every Tuesday GivingTuesday by selecting a different nonprofit organization to support. We often hear about causes through friends, colleagues, and our very own LFG team members. Sometimes, Beau learns about opportunities at school. We also receive requests from individuals and organizations for support.

Of course, acts of kindness come in many forms, including:

  • Charity event sponsorships/participation

  • Food drives

  • Nonprofit program funding

  • Volunteering our time and resources

We also spotlight the cause of the week on our blog and social media platforms to help bring more awareness to their cause.

From local nonprofits in New Hampshire to nationwide foundations, we seek ways to give back and continue making the world a better place one random act of kindness at a time. And we invite you to join us in whatever way you’re able!

Please learn more about the organizations we support and how you can help, too. And keep up with our #52WeeksofGiving blog for more inspiration and ways to get involved with causes that resonate with you!


Week 49 of #52weeksofgiving - Gift of Lights - New Hampshire Motor Speedway


Week 47 of #52weeksofgiving - Bringing Holiday Spirit to The Chase Home