Week 39 of #52weeksofgiving - Stiletto Sprint for Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire

Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire is again in the spotlight as our week 39 #52weeksofgiving organization! This past weekend, the LeMay Family Goodworks team participated in the 14th Annual Stiletto Sprint while Michelle and her Little, Belle, cheered them on from the sidelines.

The Stiletto Sprint benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire’s youth mentoring programs. We entered two teams into the 40-yard relay, which included Beau, Denise, Ian, Jessica, Vera, Nicole, and Frank. Everyone had a blast during this day of fun-filled competition. Just check out those outfits!

Participants could choose to run, walk, or strut their stuff in their favorite heels. Each relay team consisted of four members and was responsible for fundraising before the sprint. There were prizes for the top relay team and best-dressed team. Beau, Vera, and Belle had the honor of awarding the best-dressed award. Congrats to 9 Round Fitness of Portsmouth for winning the sprint!

We are excited to share that the event raised over $75,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire! Thank you to everyone who sprinted, donated, and supported this impactful organization.

What is Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire?

Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire (BBBSNH) was established in 1966 as the Granite State’s local Big Brothers Big Sisters agency. Identifying themselves as “defenders of potential,” the organization provides youth mentoring services to help close the opportunity and achievement gaps facing underserved kids in our area. 

BBBSNH assigns mentors, or Bigs, to local kids, or Littles through their signature program. Bigs and Littles are paired in a one-to-one friendship based on gender, interests, personalities, and geographic location. These matches are intended to be long-lasting relationships to help youth develop crucial life skills and confidence. 

Bigs and Littles hang out a few times a month, often enjoying shared interests and activities. From going to the beach to hiking to arts and more, mentors can make a significant difference in the lives of these children simply by incorporating them into their everyday lives.

In addition to their traditional mentoring, the New Hampshire nonprofit offers a variety of programs for young people with specific career interests, lifestyles, and mental health needs. 

How You Can Help Big Brothers Big Sisters

Those who would like to support BBBSNH and ensure the continued success of their programs have a few  key options to get involved: 

  • Volunteer: Apply to be a Big to a Little—all you need to do is meet at least twice a month for quality time with your mentee! Or check out their other programs for additional volunteer mentor opportunities. 

  • Partner: Companies can support BBBSNH in several ways, from sponsoring a mentor match to offering their workplaces as a location for the Beyond School Walls site-based program. 

  • Donate: Give a one-time donation, join the monthly giving club, or participate in fundraising events—these are just a few ways to support their mission!

To learn more about how you can help BBBSNH continue giving back and creating opportunities for local youth, visit bbbsnh.org. You can also keep up with their latest programs and events by following them on Instagram @bbbsnh and Facebook.

And if you’re interested in learning more about being a Big, please reach out today! Michelle will happily share her experience working with her Little, Belle, and this fantastic organization.


Week 40 of #52weeksofgiving - Pig Roast & Bike Run for PB Abbate


Week 38 of #52weeksofgiving - TOPSoccer New Hampshire