Week 31 of #52weeksofgiving - Nantucket Food Fuel Rental Assistance - Nantucket, MA

The LeMay Family is spending the next two weeks on Nantucket and of course, wanted to find a way to give back to the local community while we’re here! So for week 31 of our #52weeksofgiving project, we are supporting the Nantucket Food Fuel and Rental Assistance (NFFRA) with a donation and a spotlight. 

As the name implies, the NFFRA provides services to the small island’s community members. Check out the organization’s heartwarming work to support those in need!

About Nantucket Food Fuel Rental Assistance

The NFFRA was organized by the Nantucket Interfaith Council, a group of faith-based organizations and community members. They lend a helping hand to residents who are going through a period of financial insecurity and are unable to provide food, shelter, or heat for themselves and their families. All qualified individuals, regardless of race, sex, creed, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation, receive service, care, and concern.

The Nantucket nonprofit operates four assistance programs: the food pantry, rental assistance, fuel assistance, and medical travel assistance.

Nantucket Food Pantry

The Nantucket Food Pantry was founded in 1991 and currently serves 15% of the island’s year-round population! They distribute 20,000 bags of groceries a year and continue their outreach efforts as they know there are still many hungry neighbors in need. NFFRA also partners with several farms to provide clients with fresh local produce.

The food assistance program provides essential nonperishable and perishable foods in amounts relative to family size. The pantry is located at 10 Washington St and is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3 to 6 p.m. They also offer delivery for seniors or disabled persons who cannot get there, along with emergency deliveries.

Rental Assistance Program

To help prevent homelessness and poor living conditions, the Nantucket Rental Assistance Program assists lower-income families with either:

  • First and last month’s rent so they can move into suitable housing, or

  • Short-term subsidies to stay in their home, including payment to avoid eviction

Since its start in 2004, the program has assisted 552 households with rental subsidies totaling $1,078,941! The NFFRA cites the critical need for a rental assistance program due to: 

  • A growing year-round population living at or below the median income level

  • Rising rental costs disproportionate to wages earned

  • A severe shortage of year-round affordable rental housing

  • Reduced employment for many workers during the “off-season”

Fuel Assistance Program

The Nantucket Fuel Assistance Program began in 2014 to help residents, whether renters or homeowners, apply for benefits under the Federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program or the Salvation Army Home Energy Program. 

If residents do not qualify for these benefits, NFFRA will assist with an emergency oil or propane tank fill or minimum electric payment to ensure the family has heat. They are able to provide this support thanks to a grant from the William Hosier Trust and other donors. 

Medical Travel Assistance

Most recently, the NFFRA started offering Medical Travel funds to low-income island residents to help pay for travel to necessary off-island medical treatments and appointments.

The program is available to patients who meet the income and fund qualifications and have a medical diagnosis that requires off-islnd travel for treatment. Those eligible may receive up to $250 for a same-day trip or $500 for a trip involving an overnight hotel stay (based on the expenses incurred). 

How to Support Nantucket Food Fuel Rental Assistance

The NFFRA delivers crucial services to many in the Nantucket community who wouldn’t have the means to continue living on the island without assistance. The organization strives to support those in need to maintain “a vibrant, diverse, and dedicated community.” 

As a nonprofit, the NFFRA relies on the generosity of community members to continue expanding their programs. If you’d like to contribute to their mission of helping as many people on the island as possible, they invite you to give your:

  • Time: Attend one of their benefit events.

  • Talent: Volunteer by stocking shelves at the pantry, “rescuing” food from local restaurants and seasonal rental homes, assisting with office tasks, helping at local events, and more. 

  • Treasure: Give what you can through a one-time donation or join the Boosters, their monthly giving program.

Learn more about how you can support the NFFRA—every donation or hour of your time helps! Or if you or someone you know needs assistance, find details and apply here

And remember to keep up with their efforts by following them on Instagram @nantucketfoodfuelrentalassist or on Facebook.


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