Week 16 of #52weeksofgiving - HAVEN - Portsmouth, NH

For week 16 of #52weeksofgiving, we are spotlighting HAVEN!

Did you know that 1 in 4 New Hampshire women have been sexually assaulted? Or that 41% of sexual assaults are reported before age 18? 

Those are just two jarring statistics found by The Reality of Sexual Assault in New Hampshire Report. They demonstrate the dire need to fight against domestic and sexual violence both in the Granite State and nationwide.

That’s why we were happy to support HAVEN this week, an organization brought to our attention by Shane Emerson. HAVEN provides domestic and sexual violence prevention and support services and is the largest organization of its kind in New Hampshire.

Michelle and Shane will be attending the 11th Annual Kids Are Our Business Breakfast this Friday, April 22nd. Learn more about this fantastic organization and how you can get involved.


HAVEN was formed in 2015 when A Safe Place and Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) merged into one organization. The organization provides education, safe shelter, and community outreach. They serve individuals and families throughout the New Hampshire Seacoast area, with offices in Portsmouth, Epping, and Rochester.

HAVEN is on a mission “to prevent sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, and stalking and to support and empower women, men, youth, and families to heal from abuse and rebuild their lives.” They also serve all marginalized people affected by domestic and sexual violence. 

The agency provides a 24/7 hotline for anyone affected by domestic abuse, sexual violence, or stalking. Those who need this free and confidential support can call 603-994-SAFE (7233). For those who wish to chat with a confidential advocate online, HAVEN has a chat available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Support is also available for friends and family of survivors.

Additionally, HAVEN offers education, safe shelter, and community outreach services.


HAVEN partners with schools throughout Rockingham and Strafford Counties to educate students in grades K-12 on violence prevention. Violence Prevention Educators travel to schools and provide interactive lessons tailored for each classroom and age group. HAVEN’s goal is to prevent violence and obtain comprehensive care for kids who have experienced trauma. 

Safe Shelter

HAVEN offers short-term emergency shelter to provide women, trans-women, and their children with a safe and supportive environment to heal from abuse and rebuild their lives. This means more than just shelter — HAVEN equips survivors with the skills and resources they need to start their next chapter, including: 

  • Counseling

  • Housing assistance

  • Employment assistance

  • Higher education assistance

  • Short and long-term financial planning

  • Life skills

Community Outreach

To combat domestic violence and sexual assault, HAVEN practices significant community outreach. Their team will speak to your group, business, faith community, class, or club about education, prevention, and awareness. They also attend health and wellness fairs, community-wide events, and volunteer fairs/open houses. 

Learn more about HAVEN’s programs and share with those who could use support.

How You Can Help

If you’re interested in supporting HAVEN and their critical violence prevention and support services, you can:

  • Attend events: Fundraising and educational events like the Kids Are Our Business Breakfast support HAVEN’s mission and show you how you can, too. See event details and join us on Friday!

  • Volunteer: HAVEN offers a variety of volunteer roles, from Volunteer Advocates to outreach and events support and many in between. Check out current volunteer opportunities

  • Donate: Choose from various ways to support HAVEN, including easy online donations, gift cards for survivor needs, in-kind donations, and hosting your own virtual fundraiser. Find even more ways to give.

To learn more about HAVEN and how you can support their efforts, follow them on Instagram @haven_nh or on Facebook. If you know of someone in need of support or emergency shelter, give them the 24-hour support line at 603-994-7233, so they can speak with an advocate.

Have a cause that’s near and dear to you? Reach out today to tell us what makes them special and how we can support them, too!


Owner of SkyHouse Creative, a boutique design studio specializing in purpose-driven branding solutions that bring your business to new heights.


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