52 Weeks of Giving
Our Random Acts of Kindness Project
Making Every Tuesday #GivingTuesday
Whether you’ve been part of the LeMay Family Goodworks community for some time or newly discovered our efforts, you might have noticed a lot of talk about our 52 Weeks of Giving and GivingTuesday project.
Isn’t GivingTuesday one day a year?
Yes, it started that way! Founder Michelle LeMay was initially inspired by GivingTuesday, held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. The global generosity movement began in 2012 to celebrate all acts of giving.
GivingTuesday encourages people to do good — whether by giving their time, a donation, or the power of their voice in their local community. It was founded on the belief that every act of kindness counts and everyone has something to give. We loved this concept and decided to make our own commitment…
To weekly random acts of kindness!
LeMay Family Goodworks began our #52WeeksofGiving project as a simple yet impactful way to make a difference in our community year-round while inspiring others to do the same. We hope to spread the message of sharing within your community where help is needed in whatever way you can. After all, kindness shouldn’t be a seasonal, once-a-year trend.
Every Tuesday is GivingTuesday as we select a different nonprofit organization to support. Michelle might hear about organizations through friends and colleagues at various events, while her son Beau might learn about a good cause at school. Other times, individuals and organizations reach out to request our involvement.
Acts of kindness may include charity event sponsorships/participation, food drives, nonprofit program funding, volunteering our time and resources, and more. We also spotlight the chosen organization each week to help bring more awareness to their cause.
From local nonprofits in the New Hampshire and Maine Seacoast communities to nationwide foundations, we find ways to give back and continue to make the world a better place, one random act of kindness at a time.